Thanks to an eagle eyed friend named Allison, yesterday I found out that Humphrey has made it to PEOPLE magazine. I got her email while I was standing on line in the supermarket so I was able to get it then and there. There’s an article on the wife of baseball player Curt Schilling and her new book about her son’s autism. And there she is, bless her heart, reading THE WORLD ACCORDING TO HUMPHREY, to her son. They shot the thing in a mirror so it’s not that clear, but if you know the first cover (the blue one, not the new red one), you’d recognize it!

Maybe someday Humphrey will make the cover … but this time it’s Sandra Bullock. (She’s on the cover of every magazine.)  The April 5 edition, p. 121. When you’re online in the supermarket this week, you can check it out.

Humphrey in People

Pretty cool – a hamster in People.








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